Board of Directors Meetings – AWLHOA Members Only

The AWLHOA Board of Directors (“BOD”) meets monthly.  Meetings include both a regular session and an executive session.  AWLHOA Members are invited to attend the regular session.  The regular session agenda includes time for members to address the Board and member feedback is always welcome.

Agendas for all board meetings are posted publicly on the gates to the Bay Street Weir. This is between 2809 and 2813 Bayview Drive. Posting is normally four days prior to each meeting. The meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month (except December) at 6pm.

If you are an AWLHOA member and need more information or want to be added to the email distribution list for the meeting agenda and other materials, please contact Common Interest Management Services
315 Diablo Rd, Danville, CO 94526
phone: 925-743-3080 ext 220
fax:  925-743-3084.